
Want to avoid abandoned website carts?

Utilize the newest marketing techniques

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abandoned carts

Have you ever browsed webshops spontaneously with no real intention of actually purchasing those items?

A lot of shoppers do. In fact, only 3 out of 10 online shoppers make it from ‘add to basket’ to ‘completed purchase’. While you won’t be able to make every added item into a completed sale, there’s a lot you can do to turn those spontaneous shopping moments into actual purchases and reduce the frequency of abandoned carts.

Want to learn how?

This guide investigates the most common reasons shoppers abandon their carts while exploring the newest marketing techniques you can utilize to enhance your website conversion rate.

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Here’s is what you’ll learn:

  • Understanding the abandoned cart phenomenon
  • Pre-payment and mid-payment obstacles
  • Effective marketing techniques to reduce abandoned carts

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